
DIY Sprinkler Installation

What You Don’t Know When You Install a Sprinkler System-

Costs You A Lot More Than You Anticipate

Don’t Make the Mistakes Most People Do

Save Yourself Loads of Frustration and Days of Setbacks

I’m just like you, I am pretty handy and a jack-of-most trades. I like to save money and enjoy the satisfaction of doing things myself.

As a Do-It-Yourself Sprinkler Installer, You might think most things are pretty easy to figure out…

But without the right information, you might not get it right the first time. So I’m here to help prevent sprinkler install problems from happening to you. It’s a fact, sometimes… what you don’t know
costs you a lot more than you anticipated!

Please click on the video below to learn more >>

So why listen to me?

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I’m a Licensed and Insured Lawn Sprinkler System Install
Irrigation Contractor with 17 Years Experience…

I have owned and operated a prosperous landscaping business for 11 years with over 17 years experience installing all sorts of home lawn sprinkler systems, large residential automatic sprinkler systems and even large irrigation systems for commercial locations.  I have trained over 100 employees to install and repair underground sprinkler systems.

While training employees,  I have developed the patience to explain things thoroughly and clearly. So if you are looking for guidance on your own do-it-yourself sprinkler install you have come to the right place. I’m here to answer all your questions and get your sprinkler system installed right the first time. I’ll show you lots of shortcuts to save you time, money and effort. Please read on to find out how easy it is to install your own diy sprinkler system. You’ll be amazed at how uncomplicated a sprinkler system install is. Especially when you have the right information — and having the right information can save your from any sprinkler install problems you might encounter. I guarantee it.

DIY Sprinkler System Installation


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Here’s what some of my satisfied customers have to say…

“Jarrett installed my sprinkler system 12 years ago and it is still going strong. The only repair it needed in all this time was a small fix to the drip system. I have been nothing but happy with his service, professionalism and knowledge over the years.”

Mrs. L Jelliffe, Rapid City

I have known Jarrett Culverhouse for 10+ years and have found him to be exceptionally knowledgeable in his field.  He is an incredibly hard worker and always does the right thing for his customers.  I would recommend him to anyone without any reservations.

Jeff Baum, Rapid City



You Can Easily SAVE $3,300-$5500 When You DIY!,

BUT although you will save a considerable amount of money on the initial install… that’s not all the savings you’ll receive…

Your biggest benefit is your LIFE TIME SPRINKLER COST SAVINGS — because you’ll have reduced repair and maintenance problems with your DIY inground sprinkler system.

You’ll be amazed when IT Remains Problem

FREE for up to 20 YEARS!

Just think of the money, time and effort you will save with a solid, properly installed automatic sprinkler system that truly… IS TROUBLE FREE AND IS Totally AUTOMATIC!



Join the other happy DIY’ers that have installed their own sprinkler systems who followed my EASY TO WATCH, STEP BY STEP SPRINKLER INSTALL VIDEOS.

You’ll feel proud when you smile and tell the neighbors…

I did it myself!”

If You Have The Right Sprinkler Installation Information,

You Can Easily Avoid Any Headaches…

As you watch the sprinkler install videos, you will know the best way to properly design and install your system with the least amount of hassle and expense. Eliminate the guesswork and just follow my easy instructions.

And when you know the right, high quality parts to use, and why you use certain parts over others —
you won’t make the basic, easy to avoid, mistakes that most diy homeowner sprinkler installers do.

Every year I am called by home owners who installed their sprinkler system themselves, and their sprinkler system is not working right. They made costly mistakes because they did not have the right information they needed when they installed it.

Now they’re calling me to fix it!

Many people who tried to install their own sprinkler systems without the right information find it is much more expensive to rip out and redo their botched sprinkler install, that it would have been to do it right the first time.

Please don’t let that happen to you.

If You Have The Right Instructions,

It is EASY To Install a Fully Automated Sprinkler System

Because so many home owners want to install their sprinkler systems themselves, I looked to see what sprinkler installation information was available on the Internet.  I was first very surprised to see lots of  free information. It took me several hours of reading web pages and listening to lame do-it-yourself sprinkler install YouTube videos —it was a real pain trying to wade through all of it!

But the worst thing was…

65% of the information I found online was either incorrect or too vague to really prevent you from making some sprinkler installation mistakes that can
cost you big money — if you followed their advice.

You Can Avoid Costly Mistakes

There’s no substitute for getting the right knowledge you need, all in one place. All you need to do is, sit back and relax and watch the videos.

You get easy, step-by-step, hands-on sprinkler install instructions. If anything needs to be reviewed you can click the rewind button and watch the video segment over and over again until you are 100% clear on what you need to do. It’s as simple as that.

Steps To Installing A DIY Sprinkler System…

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DIY Sprinkler Install – Part 1

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Sprinkler System Install Measure

  • Measuring Your Yard
      – Includes two different examples of drawings
      – How to make scaled drawings from your plan
      – Where to place lateral mainlines to avoid obstacles
      – Sprinkler head placement and component tips
  • Laying out Your System
      – Taking your scale drawing and measuring where to place sprinkler heads
      – Determining how much pipe will be needed
  • Developing a Materials List
      – Reviewing your scaled drawing and the yard measurements
      – Adding up the materials list provided to get a total of all parts needed
  • Tools Needed and Sprinkler Parts
      – Review of the names and types of parts needed for a sprinkler system install
      – How to adjust sprinkler heads
      – Different types of nozzles and their application
      – Review of similarities between manufacturers and their parts
      – Why certain manufacturer’s parts last longer than others



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DIY Sprinkler Install – Part 2

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Setting Sprinkler Manifold & Valves

  • Plumb-out
      – What you will need for the plumbing parts
      – How backflow preventers (anti-siphon valves) work
      – Which backflow preventer you will need
      – How a plumb out should be done
      – If you’re not comfortable sweating copper we provide information about hiring a plumber
  • Controllers
      – How to install controllers
      – How to program sprinkler system controllers
      – How the controller works in conjunction with the valves
      – Tips and tricks about different brands of controllers and how they work
  • Wiring
      – What types of wiring to use
      – What type of wiring supplies & tools needed
  • Valves
      – How to wire up the valves & controller



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DIY Sprinkler Install – Part 3

[green_tick_1_list width=”100%”]Installing Sprinkler Vibra Plow

  • Lateral Lines
      – Plan to installing your lines fast and efficiently
      – How to minimize time on equipment rental and reduce cost
      – How to install the lines
      – How vibra-plow or trench your lines
      – Review the types of equipment are needed under certain conditions and why
  • Connections
      – How to glue and install PVC pipe & fittings
      – How to install an work with insert fittings
      – Show the different types of fittings that can be used
      – How to install sprinkler heads
      – 3 different types of saddles and fittings
  • Turning on The System
      – How to leak test your system
      – Turning the system on and check out
      – Adjusting the Sprinkler Heads
      – Programming the Controller Clock
      – Final systems check that everything is working properly with the controller

Total of DIY Sprinkler Installation Videos

Part 1:  Lay-out Plan & Materials List (28:14 minutes)
Part 2: Tools & PVC Parts (14:04 minutes)
Part 3:  Sprinkler Heads & Nozzles (10:33 minutes)
Part 4:  Backflow Preventers (8:54 minutes)
Part 5:  Sprinkler Valves (7:22 minutes)
Part 6:  Controllers & Wiring (16:30 minutes)
Part 7:  Checking Water Pressure (6:57 minutes)
Part 8:  Installation of Valves (20:26 minutes)
Part 9:  Bore Shot (3:32 minutes)
Part 10:  Plows & Trenchers (14:58 minutes)
Part 11:  Wiring & Turning on the System (8:30 minutes)

Total is over 2 hours and 15 minutes of videos!



With these DIY Sprinkler Videos you get the knowledge you need with:

– Detailed instructions from start to finish

– Warnings, safety precautions and tips and tricks to save money and effort

– Preventing hard to fix problems with inaccurate information

– Confidence your sprinkler system is installed the right way

– Proper head to head coverage for even watering

– A DIY Sprinkler System that will last for years without major repairs

– Ability to add on to the system later if desired

– If a repair needs to be made – repairs will be lower cost and easier to do

– No more dead grass and shrubs and brown spots in your lawn

– No more forgetting to shut the garden hose off & flooding a basement

– No more dragging hoses!

You Get Over 2 hours of DIY Sprinkler Installation Videos With Lots of Special Tricks and Techniques I’ve Discovered

From 17 Years Installing Systems!

11 Separate Videos From Start To Finish

And NO, we have not filled them with useless information just to make the videos longer. Nope, there is no fluff and no filler. I cut these videos down to the essentials you need to get the job done. Because your time is valuable and you only want what you need to install your sprinkler system right – the first time!

One of the problems I found on my Internet searches for free sprinkler install information is that, many of the other diy sprinkler install videos were too short.

They would only show you a small part of the job. I’m sure you would want to watch the whole process from start to finish. When you watch the videos, you get it all –from planning your diy sprinkler install, and buying the right materials, to trenching and pipe, valve and sprinkler head fittings to how to set up your sprinkler controller — I cover the entire sprinkler install and controller setup. I even include the best way to save even more money on renting equipment to get the job done right and super fast!

The videos are worth the money even if all you want to do is know how to program your controller!

But you get much more. We won’t give you bits and pieces like the other free diy sprinkler install videos — they don’t covering everything. We have left nothing out, it’s all there in the videos.

Additional Support: If you have questions with your sprinkler repairs, I am here to help and I offer email support for any special problems that might come up at no additional charge.

Just email me after you purchase and watch the videos, I am happy to help you. Just shoot me an email from the download page.

Custom Phone Support is available after you purchase the videos for a small fee if you have any special sprinkler questions.

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With These DIY Sprinkler Install Videos

You Can Be The Sprinkler Install Expert On Your Block!

When You watch the videos You will understand exactly how to install your sprinkler system from start to finish with nothing left out.

It’s a simple step by step install – you’ll be amazed how easy I make it look.


You’ll wonder why it took so long for you decide to install your own sprinkler because it is so easy to do — once someone shows you how!


  • Watch how to measure your yard and how to lay out your sprinkler plan and what’s important to avoid planning and measuring mistakes
  • Find out what the pros know so you can easily avoid problems with buying the wrong sprinkler system, or the parts and tools you need
  • You’ll discover steps that make your sprinkler install faster and easier than you thought possible!

You’ll know what are the best sprinkler system parts to buy  — so there’s no confusion choosing sprinkler valves, connectors, pipe and related equipment!

  • You’ll understand why there are three types of heads and the uses for each
  • What are the best sprinkler parts to buy and why a certain one is the best buy for your money
  • You will watch as I explain the pros, cons & uses of both PVC & Poly Pipe
  • Where the best supply house is online for the cheapest, high quality parts!

Discover my tricks of the trade from 17 years of sprinkler install experiences — these tips will make your sprinkler install — fast, safe and cost you considerably less money!

  • No Worries about exact placements of heads – I don’t use risers!
  • I’ll show you a quick and inexpensive way to get under sidewalks
  • How to use sprinkler rental equipment the right way and save money
  • Find out which trenching equipment to use to virtually eliminate trenching damage — and shorten the recovery time for your yard
  • The videos will show you everything you need to know for your own DIY sprinkler install and saving thousands of dollars in the process!

You’ll save yourself time, money, effort, frustration!

  • By Not Paying a Local Contractor’s Overhead Or…
  • By Eliminating Costly Mistakes That Can Double Your Water Bill Or..
  • By Causing You to Have to Redo Parts of It  — Because You’ll Have The Right Knowledge You’ve Been Searching For!

We’ll go over everything you need to know to make your diy sprinkler system — one you will be proud to own.

You’ll be proud of yourself when you feel the elation as you see those sprinkler heads pop up and water your lawn effortlessly for the first time!

You’ll feel relief and satisfaction for a job well done, because…

  • No more hauling garden hoses around!
  • And eliminate brown spots on your lawn
  • Save your back and your time
  • Plus you’ll increase the value of your property too!

You can easily install a professional commercial quality sprinkler system that will last you for decades!



Your FREE Special Bonuses For Ordering Today!

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Bonus # 1

How To Safely Use Rental Equipment And Save Money When You Rent It!

Video Value $19.97  Yours Free!

Confused about what is the right trencher or vibratory plow to use to install your lawn sprinkler system? Not anymore!

Get the facts you need right here. I’ll cover why you would use one trencher or plow over another. So you know how to select the right sprinkler install rental equipment for the job.

  • You’ll get critical safely tips you need to know to help keep you safe while you are using equipment during your sprinkler install — this video is designed to keep you safe, save time and effort and prevent safety and hazard mistakes which could cost you considerably more money!
  • Covers trenchers and vibratory plows, with proper safety procedures. Plus insider tricks on how to use them for easy sprinkler pipe installation
  • You’ll know what equipment is the best for your project and I’ll tell you why one is better over another
  • Find out why a vibratory plow is much less invasive and can save you hundreds of dollars in lawn repair costs!
  • Using the right equipment you will hardly be able to tell that you installed a sprinkler system (due to lawn damage) if you know how to use the right tools the right way!


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Bonus # 2

Sprinkler Buyers List For Parts And Supplies!

Value $3.00 Yours Free!

  • Complete list for parts and materials for your sprinkler install
  • Best Sprinkler Install Supplier Website
  • How To Navigate and Find Parts On The Website


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Bonus # 3

Sprinkler Help Email Consultation!

Value $75.00 Yours Free!

  • Got a special diy sprinkler install problem? Just email me.
  • I’ll answer your question via email.
  • I’ll explain anything you don’t understand and why you need to do things a certain way so you know why and how to do it right the first time.
  • Private Phone Consult is Available for a small fee if desired just email me for cost and a time.


Your Special Bonuses Are Included When You Order Today!

DIY Lawn Sprinkler System Installation Videos
DIY Lawn Sprinkler System Installation Videos

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[guarantee_box_1 title=”Our Love it or it’s Free Guarantee”]If after viewing these videos for 30 days, you don’t feel like they will answer all your questions, and I can’t answer your questions via email, then I’ll rush every penny you paid back to you. You have nothing to lose.  Your 100% Satisfaction is Guaranteed.

DIY Sprinkler Installation


You may be wondering if you could get this same information online for free. Well, you will find, when you search for free sprinkler install information, is you only get bits and pieces of the information you need.

When you are spending the money to install your own sprinkler system isn’t it worth $37 to ensure that the installation goes in right without a hitch?

You bet it’s worth it!

I’m sure you would want to watch the whole process from start to finish, (not the short videos that you can get for free online – they won’t help you much) and won’t give you videos and tips to save money and time for the whole job either.

So when you watch the videos, you get it all.

You get:

– From planning your diy sprinkler install

– To buying the right materials

– To trenching

– To pipe, valve and sprinkler head fittings

– and finally how to set up your sprinkler controller!

I cover the entire sprinkler install and controller setup. Plus you get tips on how to save more money on renting equipment.


I guarantee you’ll be able to get the job done right and super fast after you watch these step-by-step
sprinkler installation videos!

The sprinkler install videos are worth the money even if all you want to do is know how to program your controller!

But you get much more. We won’t give you bits and pieces like the other free diy sprinkler install videos — they don’t covering everything. We have left nothing out, it’s all there in the videos.

Anybody can do their own sprinkler install. It’s quite easy when you know a few tips and tricks the pro sprinkler installers use. Anybody can do this, male, female or any age group. This is a great opportunity to save money and with your new sprinkler install you’ll even SAVE WATER, SO YOU’LL BE DOING YOUR PART FOR THE ENVIRONMENT TOO!

With these DIY Sprinkler Videos you get the Expert knowledge you need with:


– Detailed sprinkler installation instructions from start to finish


– How to draw and plan your zones for optimum coverage


– Preventing hard to fix problems WITH IMPROPER INSTALLATION

– Tips to prevent sprinkler head breakage


– Best brands of sprinkler parts to buy and why

– Tips on anti-siphon values or back flow preventer and why you must install one since most communities require one to be compliant



– Confidence your sprinkler system is installed the right way and for

Your $97 In Special Bonuses Are Included And For A Limited Time, You Can Take An EXTRA $10 OFF

Limited Time Offer…

Only $37

DIY Lawn Sprinkler System Installation Videos

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Please remember the reason why you are getting an extra $10 off when you order today… Is we are asking people to send us a testimonial for a short time to add more testimonials to this page.

When you send your testimonial we think your words are worth 10 bucks to us, so we are giving you $10 off when you order today, but only until we collect enough testimonials and then
the price goes back up to $47.

I’m Grabbing My Videos Now!

Your purchase is 100% risk free. In fact, I won’t even consider it final for 30 days. Download the videos; use them to build your sprinkler system. If these videos aren’t everything I’ve said they are, I’ll buy them back from you!

It’s Time To Build Your Sprinkler System!

In order to build your sprinkler system with the least amount of effort you need the right tools. The “DIY Sprinkler Install Videos” are the right tools you will turn to again and again. At only $37, and with my no risk guarantee, there’s no reason for you to wait. Order the videos now.

Follow my simple advice on how to install your own sprinkler system and you’ll have the neighbors raving about your beautiful green lawn! And you’ll simply smile when you see your water bill as you installed your sprinkler system the right way — so you water bill is much lower than theirs!

To having your neighbors envy your beautiful green lawn!


DIY Lawn Sprinkler System Installation

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P. S. Remember I offer a “LOVE IT or IT’S FREE” guarantee. If you are not happy with the quality of the information, or I  can’t help you with your email questions to your satisfaction, then just send a simple email to me and I’ll refund every penny back to you. No questions asked and we’ll part as friends.

You have no risk. All the risk is on my shoulders. So let me help you with the diy sprinkler install information you need, now. I am looking forward to hearing from you when you send me the your emailed testimonial telling me how easy it was to do!

[order_box_3 width=”60%” + border=”4px”]You will be taken by secure connection to Paypal’s site, where you can simply pay by credit card or log in to your PayPal account. After the payment is processed, PayPal will redirect you to a page with your instructions to access the videos and the  materials list PDF. If you have any trouble in the process, you can reach us by email at sales (at) thelandscapeprofessor.com or by phone at  1-888-410-0848.[/order_box_3]

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