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Still Unsure?

You can check out some of my videos for a sample of how I teach on my blog. You will be able to see just how much detail I include in my videos. We have posted videos for turning on the sprinkler system and adjusting sprinkler heads etc.

You will be able to see just how much detail I include in my videos.

Return to the install sprinkler system sales page.

Return to the repair sprinkler system sales page.


Having Problems Checking Out?

We have been noticing that some mobile users are having trouble with the paypal button.

If possible please use a computer to check out. We don’t know of any issues with watching the videos

on a mobile device.  You will need to copy your access information over to your phone.


Paypal advises that there is a  Paypal App for mobile. but make sure you get it from a reputable sources

such as itunes.


If you need to contact us we can be reached by email at sales@thelandscapeprofessor.com

or at our business 1-605-786-0182 – We are an irrigation contractor and may not always be in the office, but if you

leave a message we will return your call asap if you refer to the landscape professor.com.




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