
Do It Yourself Lawn Sprinkler Repair

Welcome to my website. My name is Jarrett and I have been a landscape and lawn irrigation contractor for 11 years, and I have over 17 years experience repairing and maintaining sprinkler systems. The economy has been hard on everyone, and I started thinking about the cost of repairs to my customers. So I wanted a way to educate people on how to fix the most common sprinkler repairs. When I looked on the internet, I was amazed at how hard it was to find detailed, accurate, and up to date instructions.  Some of the stuff I saw wasn’t even […]

Welcome to my website. My name is Jarrett and I have been a landscape and lawn irrigation contractor for 11 years, and I have over 17 years experience repairing and maintaining sprinkler systems. The economy has been hard on everyone, and I started thinking about the cost of repairs to my customers. So I wanted a way to educate people on how to fix the most common sprinkler repairs. When I looked on the internet, I was amazed at how hard it was to find detailed, accurate, and up to date instructions.  Some of the stuff I saw wasn’t even legal, (as in against code.) If I looked long enough, I found a lot of written instruction, but it took me a long time to find it and I personally learn better by seeing.

I am working on a video course of the most common lawn sprinkler repairs. I started working on it in March, and I have recorded and rerecorded countless hours of video. But we are getting it narrowed down to the most important content and putting on the finishing touches. You can check out whats covered by going to our home page or clicking

Update: They’re Done!

Sprinkler Videos Info